
Bridge Loans for Real Estate: A Short-Term Financing Option

Bridge loans and real estate go together like baseball and hot dogs. They are a popular financing option among investors and businesses needing quick access to capital on a short-term basis. A bridge loan from a firm like Actium Partners opens the door to opportunities that are just not available through traditional funding. A bridge […]

2 Less Talked About Aspects of Hard Money That Benefit You

Hard money lenders are known for some key things. We work quickly, we tend to favor streamlined approval and underwriting processes, and we will undertake loans that traditional lenders will not touch. But there is more to hard money than meets the eye. Dig a little deeper and you discover there are even more reasons […]

What Lender Traits Are Important to You as a First-Time Investor?

We have the opportunity to work with a lot of first-time investors, particularly in states like Idaho where real estate investing is especially popular. How about you? Are you a first-time investor looking to get your hands on that first piece of commercial property? If so, we want you to know that your choice of […]

Hard Money and Bridge Loans: Similar But Not Identical

The terms ‘hard money‘ and ‘bridge loans‘ are pretty common to our industry. In fact, hard money loans and bridge loans are often seen as the same thing by our clients. For our purposes as a lender, they are pretty much the same. But when you get right down to the strictest dictionary definitions, the […]

Real Estate Investing: Pick the Right Market and the Right Lender

It is often said that success in real estate depends heavily on picking the right market. If that is the case, Utah is certainly a market that investors have found profitable over the last decade or so. But from where we stand, picking the right market is only half the equation. The other half is […]

How Could Hard Money’s Fast Funding Model Help You Do Better?

A hallmark of the hard money industry is speed. Hard money lenders can get from application to approval to funding in a matter of days. Here at Actium, we have been known to approve and fund loans in as little as one business day – when necessary. We know; that’s fast. Given that fast funding […]

What Qualities Are You Looking for in a New Private Lender?

Private lending can be quite a bit different in terms of the people you work with. Whether it is an individual lender or a firm like Actium Partners, you are dealing with an entirely different atmosphere in the private money realm. As such, you expect your lending partners to exhibit certain qualities and characteristics. Over […]

How Hard Money Can Help With Your Idaho Investments

Hard money lending in Idaho offers unique opportunities to take advantage of a real estate market that is ripe for alternative financing options. With hard money in your toolbox, you are a more competitive investor capable of responding more quickly to the most lucrative opportunities that come your way. And here at Actium Partners, we […]

When Arranging a Bridge Loan on a New Investment Makes Sense

A bridge loan could be the perfect tool for financing that new commercial property you have had your eye on. Bridge loans can be arranged quickly. They can be paid off quickly as well, eliminating the risk of tying up your cash in a long-term loan agreement. Still, a bridge loan doesn’t always make sense. […]

Yes – Actium Partners Is Still Lending in Colorado

Despite ongoing economic struggles that continue to impact commercial property markets, investing in property is not dead. Here at Actium Partners, we continue to assist clients looking for hard money and bridge loans to help achieve their financial goals. This includes clients in Colorado. Colorado is one of three states in which we actively make […]